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How to make sure your clothes fit AND flatter

Wondering if your clothes still fit as a result of a little extra COVID weight? Research has shown, a lot of people are experiencing this - let's go easy on ourselves, it's completely normal and these are such unusual times.

Fit is the foundation of good style. But, a "good fit" is so much more than whether you can comfortably put something on. Here are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your garment also flatters - which is a huge part of fit!

It hi-lights or draws attention to your assets.

We have the power to create optical illusions when we get dressed. Our clothes should work for us. A few examples: does the garment nip in and show off your waist? Show off your toned shoulders? Hi-light your legs? Draw attention to your fabulous smile? You get the idea - fill in the blank for for an area to where you'd like to draw the eye or hi-light. Similarly, strategic dressing can downplay the areas that aren't your favourite.

Never underestimate the power of colour!

Ok - while colour doesn't technically relate to how the garment fits, wearing the right hue can make such a difference in our overall appearance. It can be an instant confidence booster, and, if you start to develop a colour palette in your wardrobe it will make putting outfits together so much easier!

Does it feel like who you are - today?

Again, just because we can technically fit into an item doesn't mean it necessarily flatters. Sometimes we hang onto clothing that no longer reflects who we are now (as opposed to 5 years ago, 10 lbs ago, in a previous job, pre-kids etc.), or how we want to express ourselves to the world. Tune in to how you feel in the piece: do you love it? does it suit your lifestyle? does it feel like who you are today? If not, chances are, it's no longer a good fit.

Now back to that extra COVID weight (if, like a huge part of the population you are experiencing)...If your garment fits the criteria of accentuating your assets, is a flattering colour, compliments your lifestyle, and - you love it; don't feel you need to edit out of your closet just because it may be a little snug at the moment. We are going through unusual times - be kind to yourself and your clothing. But, if over time it doesn't feel as comfortable in how it falls on your body - that is a sign it may be time to thank it for its service and focus on pieces that fit and flatter who you are today.

Need help figuring out your which shapes, styles and hues flatter you best? Let's chat!



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